现在招聘! 探索SMS设备的职业生涯. 观点的机会



开始一个新项目? 先问这些问题!

所有的建设项目都有其独特的考虑, but there are several common questions you can ask yourself that will help you plan, 执行和学习每一个. Here are five important questions to think about when working on a new project.

1. Do I have all the data I need to put together an estimate and bid the job?

有一套计划并不总能说明一切. 为成功做好准备, it’s critical to have a thorough understanding of what the job site looks like before you ever think about submitting a final bid. Site owners, developers and general 承包商 will often have a walk-through prior to the bid date. Attend the walk-through meeting so you can see the actual conditions and elevations and determine if there are items on-site that are not on the blueprints or documents. Those will need to be addressed and considered as part of your bid.

实地考察也给了你提问的机会. If there is something at the site that is not listed on the plans — such as a small pile of concrete — you can determine who is responsible for its removal or if it should somehow be incorporated into the sitework. 这是要付出代价的, 无论你是把它拖离现场还是重新利用它, but the difference in your final estimate could be significant.

Asking questions to ensure you have enough information to estimate and bid a project is critical, 向你们的实践和人民学习也是如此.

2. 我的机器真的是最适合这份工作的吗?

Think about this question before you put the blade or bucket into the ground. 使用合适的机器工作是很重要的. It doesn’t make sense to bring a tight tail swing excavator to a wide-open job site where mass amounts of material need to be moved quickly. 相反, 标准的挖掘机不适用于密闭空间, such as digging against a building or in a lane of traffic.

不恰当地配置项目会导致挫败感, 缺乏生产力,可能导致利润下降. If you don’t have what’s needed for a particular aspect, consider renting. This allows you to get the job done without a long-term commitment to machinery you only need for a short amount of time.

3. 我是否在利用和最大化技术?

From initial GPS grading systems to software that replaces traditional pen-and-paper estimating, 建筑技术有了长足的发展. That technology is allowing companies to track every phase of a project digitally and share that information with all relevant parties — owners, 承包商, 等. Job site management software and apps are abundant and save time and paper costs.

In addition to using the information to adjust practices on current jobs, it can be used for more competitive and accurate bidding and project management on future projects. 您还可以使用机器本身的数据. Nearly all new 小松 machines have telematics that deliver production-related information, 比如挖土时间和闲置时间, 使用的模式及更多. This data can be used to track job site practices and ensure operators are using the machines and matching them to the materials and applications necessary to help maximize efficiency and productivity.

远程信息处理 let project and fleet managers see the information remotely in near real time, 因此,如果需要改变,他们可以更快地做出决定. There are also applications available through desktop and laptop computers, 智能手机和平板电脑也是如此, that let you make plan changes and see what operators see remotely, saving you time and the expense of driving to the job site.

今天的机器在技术上也更加先进. Remember those early days of GPS grading when you needed bolt-on components that got damaged and had to be taken down and put up every day? 它们仍然存在,但可能不会持续太久. 现在的新设备有这个功能 内置技术.

excavator and articulated truck working with data being sent to computer
There are various ways to determine if you are on schedule and profitable. 除了传统的实地考察, you can use technology from telematics and remote applications to track progress in near real time from almost anywhere.

4. 我从这个项目中学到了什么?

有句谚语说:“如果你不成长,你就会死去。.” In business, that does not have to mean adding employees or equipment, or taking on larger jobs. Growth can come from learning more productive and efficient ways to complete jobs.

与技术, you don’t have to physically be on the job site to track production or rely on timecards and anecdotal information to see if your schedule and budget line up. Learning to use technology and apply data to job site practices more quickly is a great way to “grow.”

5. 我怎么处理我的利润?

There are many ways to use the money you make from projects. Some suggestions include using the profits to grow your business, 偿还债务或为债务再融资, 投资于你的员工, 或者未雨绸缪. It’s always a great idea to talk to your financial adviser to determine what’s best for you and your business.

“ … you don’t have to make all-or-nothing decisions about what to do with your cash once your company reaches the black,” according to the article “5 Things to Do With Your Small Business Profits.” “You may choose to leave some cash in the company to increase its value, 支付股息或给员工加薪. You could buy a new piece of equipment and increase your own salary. 这取决于你和你的经营目标. Being in the black just means you have a lot more choices and opportunities.”

Editor’s Note: This information is excerpted from a longer article. 要完整查看,请访问 http://www.Komatsu.com/en/blog/2021/starting-a-new-project-ask-these-questions-first/

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